Rotronic is an international manufacturing company that offers a wide range of products and solutions. Founded in 1965, the company is headquartered in Switzerland. Rotronic develops and manufactures solutions for measuring and monitoring relative humidity, temperature, CO2, differential pressure and water activity. Rotronic also offers a real-time environment monitoring system.

Rotronic measuring devices and monitoring solutions are user-friendly, low-maintenance, and GAMP and FDA-compliant.
The range - especially known for temperature measurement and the monitoring of relative humidity - includes industrial probes, humidity sensors, measuring probes as well as data loggers,handheld measuring devices,transmitters, and OEM products.
The HW4 software and the Rotronic Monitoring System (RMS) monitor a wide variety of measurement data - simply and reliably. Services such as mapping,validation, and calibrationcomplete the Rotronic range.
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